Hi! I am a PhD student in psycholinguistics at Shravan Vasishth’s lab, University of Potsdam.

Michael Vrazitulis

vrazitulis at uni minus potsdam dot de

Dept. of Linguistics
University of Potsdam
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24–25
14476 Potsdam, Germany


Peer-reviewed papers
  • Michael Vrazitulis. The acoustic variation of mid-to-close central vowel phonemes in Pindian and Farsherot varieties of Aromanian. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, 59(1), 2023. ➞ [journal website] [data & code]
Conference posters
  • Michael Vrazitulis, Jia Ern Loy, Vera Demberg. Do scalar polarity and individual differences matter in scalar implicature processing?. Poster presented at the 10th biennial meeting of Experimental Pragmatics (XPrag X), Paris, France, 2023. ➞ [poster] [abstract] [data & code]
  • Michael Vrazitulis, Jia Ern Loy, Vera Demberg. Potential effects of individual differences in fluid intelligence and print exposure on processing times of scalar implicatures. Poster presented at the Workshop on Individual Differences in Pragmatics and Discourse (IndiPRAG), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2023. ➞ [poster] [abstract] [data & code]


  • PhD student and research assistant, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Germany, 2023–ongoing
  • M.Sc. Language Science and Technology: Saarland University, Germany, 2020–2023
    • Exchange year at Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento, Italy, 2021/2022
  • B.Sc. Computational Linguistics: Saarland University, Germany, 2017–2020
Plain Academic